Signs and Symtoms of Hyperactivity

Hyperactivity can cause problems in a child’s life. It can often lead to underachievement at school, poor social interaction with other children and adults and problems with discipline. Children naturally have a tendency towards the kind of behaviour that hyperactivity causes. But this behaviour should not be confused with hyperactivity. There are several criteria that must be met for a child to be diagnosed with hyperactivity and should only be done by your GP or pediatrician.

The main symptoms of hyperactivity are:

  • being unable to sit still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings
  • constantly fidgeting
  • being unable to settle to tasks
  • excessive physical movement
  • excessive talking

If your child has hyperactivity, their symptoms usually become noticeable before the age of seven. Usually diagnosis is made between the ages of three and seven. People with hyperactivity should eat a healthy balanced diet. Do not cut out certain foods without medical advice. Some parents may notice a link between certain types of food and worsening ADHD symptoms. Unfortunately there is a common and incorrect belief that sugar causes hyperactivity. However, scientific studies have been able to show that sugar does not aggravate hyperactivity; in fact sugar has a calming effect on children.

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